University without Borders offers free demo-courses that allow everyone to experience what it is like to be a UWB student. Here you can access the demo-courses, including selected course materials and assignments, and even get in touch with the course instructors. Read more… |
Mathematical Modeling of Biological Processes
Gender Studies
Introduction to Gender Studies
Basic Academic Writing in English
Introduction to Gender Linguistics
New Media
Social Network Analysis
Sociology of the Internet
Political Science and History
History of Russian-U.S. Relations
The Caucasus in International Relations (XVI-XX Century)
Politics of Energy Security in Eurasia
Comparative Study of Authoritarian Regimes
What is History?
Applied Research Methods
Statistical Data Analysis
Post-soviet Migration and Globalization
Visual Data for Social Scientists
Urban Studies
Social Theories and Space
City and the Problems of Its Development
Field Sociology of the City
Communication Studies
Strategic Communications and Social Media